Career Days is an Italian event connecting the business and academic world. For years, it has been the country’s primary meeting point for young job seekers and employers. During the event, university students have the opportunity to learn about career paths with leading local and international companies. This year, AsstrA Italia took part in this event for the first time ever. From May 26 to 28, it was held online due to pandemic-related restrictions.
Julia Malezhyk
“AsstrA has been cooperating with the University of Bergamo for several years. We build a database of students’ CVs and invite them to participate in our recruitment process. After completing internships, the best candidates are invited to join the company's team. This year, we decided that it is worth extending our cooperation with UB by participating in Career Days. During this year's edition, our schedule was full of one-on-one interviews with candidates interested in working with us. We also organized online workshops during which we shared tips on how to have a perfect first day at a new job. In detail, we discussed what to pay attention to and what to avoid in order to make a good first impression in a new workplace,” says Julia Malezhyk, HR Manager at the AsstrA corporate group.
Each day of the event, the HR department conducted over a dozen interviews and met with over 20 prospective candidates during online workshops.
Luba Zakharava
“Career Days is an amazing opportunity not only to find perfect employees but also to build the company's visibility among students and graduates. This is a great way to implement strategic employer branding initiatives, learn about young job seeker’s needs, and have our HR specialists meet new candidates. The students were very interested in our program, and we conducted many promising interviews. I can already say that we will certainly take part in the next edition,” adds Luba Zakharava, AsstrA Italia Country and Branch Manager.