As countries around the globe push to reopen in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic, the business community is struggling with a temptation to relax compliance standards as a means to remaining agile and navigate a pressing shortage of goods and services. And yet these times necessitate an even greater commitment to integrity, one of the priorities the global private sector has set for itself.
The B20 Saudi Arabia, the voice of the global business community to the G20, recognizes the challenge posed by the COVID-19 health and economic crisis to both businesses and governments and has committed to addressing the issue of corruption by recognizing Integrity & Compliance as one of its key priority areas.
We already know the global economy loses US$3.6 trillion to impropriety yearly, a price we cannot afford in these times. We have also seen corruption is a key barrier to achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), such as the elimination of poverty and hunger, improving education, quality of life, and the infrastructure of each state. The B20 Integrity & Compliance Taskforce’s work, therefore, aims to advance the global anti-corruption agenda, touching upon key relevant topics such as responsible business conduct, consumer protection, the fight against corruption, and other efforts at the foundation of a healthy business environment.