Albert Kanke

Nicole Statuch
From June 7-10, the WCAworld European Regional Conference 2022 was held in Dublin, Ireland. The Convention Center Dublin hosted industry professionals from almost 200 countries. Experts from AsstrA-Associated Traffic AG were there to make the most of the event’s powerful networking opportunities.
Around 700 WCAworld members came together for this conference at the renowned Convention Centre Dublin in the Irish capital to network and get to know each other, often in one-to-one meetings.
The event was open to members of all WCAworld networks and attracted many delegates from around the world.
The AsstrA-Associated Traffic AG corporate group has been represented in the WCAworld network since 2021, when AsstrA Poland became a member. AsstrA Türkiye joined as well in 2022.
This conference was an excellent opportunity for AsstrA experts to meet partners and continue building professional relationships with other WCAworld members around the world.
“This year’s WCAworld European Regional Conference was quite intense and productive for us. The event was perfectly organized and the atmosphere was very welcoming. The attendees included business owners from all around the world, and it was quite interesting to meet them and establish relationships. During the conference we had dozens of on-to-one meetings. We were able to get down to business in private meetings and of course enjoyed talking with people during the events’ galas with live performances.
We did not just have general, introductory discussions. We received a lot of precise questions. The marketing materials we had with us were very helpful and met with great interest, especially our leaflet on how we are helping Ukraine and supporting humanitarian aid shipments.
Face-to-face meetings are immensely effective and will never fully match up with online conversations. We are looking forward to the next WCAworld conference,” shares Albert Kanke, Trade Lane Manager in AsstrA’s Western EU Container Division.
“This conference was a perfect example of how real networking should work. We have already received follow-up inquiries and are seeing the first concrete results of the numerous meetings we had. A lot of companies, especially those without freight forwarding partners in Poland, expressed sincere interest in our services. Our strong reputation and extensive network of global branches really helped us stand out from the crowd,” adds Nicole Statuch, Air Freight Development Manager at AsstrA.
“WCAworld Conference gave us a great chance to see how our workflows stack up vs competitors. Now we know what expectations our partners have. When looking for contractor, we can now contact people we know personally after a face-to-face meeting at this conference. This will definitely help our cooperation go more smoothly. Thanks to meetings and establishing relationships with agents, we can be more competitive on the market. Our brand awareness have certainly improved,” concludes Nicole Statuch.
Author: Agnieszka Krzepkowska.